Recent content by twotonfox

  1. twotonfox

    2.1: It's happening! Release details!

    Wow, I haven't been on here in a long time. I'm so hyped for 2.1!
  2. twotonfox

    Your best "owned" moment from Match/CTF

    I don't have a picture but I remember a time when I was in first place on my team with extremely great players. It didn't last, but it was awesome. I actually hit LXShadow many times. This is coming from a guy who is a terrible/good player.
  3. twotonfox

    Megaman Legends 3 - Update

    Please Capcom. PLEASE be joking.
  4. twotonfox

    What community did you become a member on for the first time?

    Um, Toontown, and neopets. Social Networking: Youtube, if if counts and Myspace. My first forum was this one, but no one is ever here, so I switched to the SEGA fourms.
  5. twotonfox

    The Worst Game Ever

    Freaking Action 52. I bought it at a bargin on Ebay for 1.00. My sister already had a NES, so I loaded it up. After playing ALL of the games, I got my mom's machete and cut it in half, and burned it. True story.
  6. twotonfox

    Megaman Legends 3 - Update

    Well. This might affect the sales of RE:Revelations, and other future Capcom games. I mean, I am dissapointed. MML1 was my first game, because my parents at the time couldn't get me a Playstation 2. I got it in 2002.
  7. twotonfox

    New Nintendo HD Console "Wii U"

    Guess who found proof? Seriously, Nintendo needs to make a new Wavebird styled controller like they did to the Claasic Controller/Pro.
  8. twotonfox

    Thundercats 2011

    Well, it IS animated by a Japanese company...
  9. twotonfox

    The Ear Worm Thread

    Static Shock's theme song. -end comment-
  10. twotonfox

    New Nintendo HD Console "Wii U"

    Gamecube games will appear on the Wii U in the form of WiiWare.
  11. twotonfox

    My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic

    What will they think of next?
  12. twotonfox

    What was your first level wad that you ever played?

    Wow. I can't remember.
  13. twotonfox

    What is your best gametype?

    Anything that's not Race.
  14. twotonfox

    SRB2 Multiplayer Survey Results

    I think Tails needs to be a little faster in the gametypes. Also, his flight could use a bit more power.
  15. twotonfox

    Your top five most irritating opponents

    Hey, that's me! (Lightning T.E.)