Recent content by TwistedLands

  1. TwistedLands

    How'd you get your profile picture?

    some i made myself using blender roblox and photoshop some i took from google images (like the one i am using right now)
  2. TwistedLands

    friend cant find server

    port forward 5029 udp, if you are using something like playit you will need to send him the ip
  3. TwistedLands

    Name your first game!

    i don't remember, but the first purchase on my steam account was sonic adventure 2
  4. TwistedLands

    The CyberDime Realm (Virtual Simplicity)

  5. TwistedLands

    Favorite Roblox Game?

    deepwoken and rogue lineage are pretty good, but the community of both of these games ruined them so hard, you can't progress without getting killed as soon as you walk out of spawn
  6. TwistedLands

    [Open Assets] Legacy Rosy

    nice mapping and nice level design
  7. TwistedLands


    yes good work
  8. TwistedLands


    It WaS OvER 9.999 YeARS gg great work keep coming
  9. TwistedLands

    [Open Assets] The Sonic Mania model pack!

    Not bad not bad but ray has out and made ray md2
  10. TwistedLands

    SRB2 The Past 1.08.c

    glaber i love your level pack i can get back to 2.0 on 2.1
  11. TwistedLands

    What's Your Perfect Sonic Game?

    Sonic Robo Blast 2 i love this game thet game is epic i really always playing it,or sometimes recording another game.
  12. TwistedLands

    Roly Poly Putt

    Srb2 Stage? I tried this game and i found map what looks like Arid Canyon thats interesing looks creator of Roly Poly Putt was used Srb2 Stage and renamed this