Recent content by Thunderbird

  1. Thunderbird

    BAD sonic games

    I'm surprised you didn't mention the torches level on team Chaotix. That was really the only thing I didn't like about the game.
  2. Thunderbird

    BAD sonic games

    The only Sonic game I hate is labyrinth, I really liked riders 1 and 2 and Shadow. I don't like Sonic R as much now as I did before and I don't like Chronicles as much as I like other RPGs I don't hate them.
  3. Thunderbird

    Favorite multiplayer mode

    Match is my favorite because I'm significantly better at it than I am at other FPS games. And that's probably due to the fact that you can get your rings back after you get shot.
  4. Thunderbird

    Glitch City Match/Tag

    When I added the wad the console said that there were 10 warnings in the soc lump. What does that mean?
  5. Thunderbird

    Sega Re-Tradmarks Sonic Shuffle.

    They're probably just making sure no one makes a game called Sonic Shuffle. Though I really don't think anyone would want to use that name for their game.
  6. Thunderbird

    Glacier Park Zone Match/Tag map

    The springs next to the buildings don't go high enough to get on top of them.
  7. Thunderbird


    You should add some rail rings. The top of the waterfall would be a great place to use them.
  8. Thunderbird

    Introduce Yourself

    Hello, I'm Thunderbird. I found srb2 about two years ago and have been playing a lot since. I've beaten it on very hard difficulty and I've beaten all the bonus levels. Even though I registered today I've been getting wad files from this forum for good amount of time.