Recent content by tealsummernights

  1. tealsummernights

    Starshy Stages [v1.1]

    I really like this map pack. It's nice to see a bunch of really solid linear levels that are fun to blast through. Also a lot of really fun slopes that are so much fun to roll down!
  2. tealsummernights

    Moderators in the Post-Mystic realm

    Please look up what ableism actually is before you speak, please.
  3. tealsummernights

    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    I never dealt with Mystic myself, but from reading his interactions on the Discord, I can pretty confidently say that him being off the team is a great thing for the game (and of course the developers). He had a very strong blame mentality when it came to any kind of criticism of the game...
  4. tealsummernights

    Circuit Redux Map Pack [v2.4.1]

    Unless I'm missing it, there doesn't appear to be a download link?
  5. tealsummernights

    [Open Assets] Xtreme Sonic

    The wall spindash is super fun! That's my favorite part of this character. I find it a little annoying that, when you land on a slope with the Spin Slash and then try to charge a spindash, you start rolling down the slope instead. It makes sense because you go into a regular ball, but because...
  6. tealsummernights

    [Open Assets] (archive) Revised abilities v9

    The new air physics are fantastic! More air control was very much needed in this game. The Arc Jump isn't bad at all, though I don't find it as interesting as the Comet Dash. It's certainly more versatile, though, and works very nicely. The change to Fang's gun is exactly what was needed. It...
  7. tealsummernights


    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this already, but the filesize could be reduced quite a bit by compressing the audio files. At the moment most of them are WAVs, which are uncompressed and take up significantly more file space than compressed formats.
  8. tealsummernights

    [Open Assets] Flare the Lizard v1.9 - Simplified

    He's really fun! Though there were a few things that bothered me a bit. The flames from his spindash never seem to go away? There's some inconsistency with his Tail Swipe. If you keep pressing Spin, you'll keep Tail Swiping, but if you try it with Jump he'll only Tail Swipe once. Maybe the...
  9. tealsummernights

    [Open Assets] (archive) Revised abilities v9

    I actually liked the way the Comet Dash crawled up the wall in the previous version, though this one is functionally largely the same so I don't really mind either way. EDIT: After giving it more use, I think I actually prefer the old behavior. The new wall bounce is perhaps more functional, but...
  10. tealsummernights

    SRB2 Bomberman (SRB2B) [vB-001]

    I specifically did not propose a solution because when I give feedback I often have this Neil Gaiman quote in the back of my head: "Remember: when people tell you something's wrong or doesn't work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how...
  11. tealsummernights

    SRB2 Bomberman (SRB2B) [vB-001]

    Played this for awhile with a couple friends. Thoughts: - Would like to be able to move diagonally normally. Doesn’t feel very good to slow to a crawl when moving diagonally or when turning corners. - Jumping is way too powerful. You can basically just jump away from everything, so the only...
  12. tealsummernights

    [Open Assets] Minimap

    Also, an option for it to always point north would be nice as well, if that's not too much trouble.
  13. tealsummernights


    To add onto the ficklecam suggestions: an option to make the vertical look move back to neutral on its own. I currently use the center camera button very often for this purpose since the camera is very sensitive to moving up and down even when I only intend to move it left and right, so it very...
  14. tealsummernights

    Fixed Nearest_mipmap also filters HUD elements, menus, player character

    See title. This was not the case in 2.1. Comparison screenshots between nearest_linear and nearest_mipmap are attached. Edit: I've just now noticed that the player character's sprites are also filtered, which did not happen in 2.1 either.