Recent content by Tai5_5

  1. Tai5_5

    [Open Assets] Finish the game without running! (Slowrun.lua)

    "Sonic is a game all about speed, but what happens when you can't run once?" Have you ever tried to complete a Sonic game taking care not to go too fast? No? Then I introduce you to Slowrun.lua! This modification forces you to beat the game without entering the running state. It can be...
  2. Tai5_5

    [Open Assets] Finish the game without running! (Slowrun.lua)

    Updated to v2.1 The speed gauge is now available.
  3. Tai5_5

    [Open Assets] Finish the game without running! (Slowrun.lua)

    That should be a good idea! I'll think about it.
  4. Tai5_5

    [Open Assets] Finish the game without running! (Slowrun.lua)

    "Sonic is a game all about speed, but what happens when you can't run once?" Have you ever tried to complete a Sonic game taking care not to go too fast? No? Then I introduce you to Slowrun.lua! This modification forces you to beat the game without entering the running state. It can be...
  5. Tai5_5

    [Open Assets] Beat the game without running a single bit! (Slowrun.lua)

    Sonic is a game about speed. But what happens if we don't run a SINGLE bit? WELL, YOU'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS! Slowrun is a script that makes ALL the characters get instantly killed when entering the SPD state. Want an example? Sure! Here it is: Jumping, Thoking, Flying, Spinning, etc. Will not...
  6. Tai5_5

    How to make a cutscene scripted on Lua?

    Thanks for your reply! ; ) I'll give it a shot!
  7. Tai5_5

    How to make a cutscene scripted on Lua?

    Can a cutscene be scripted in Lua? Like- Some Sonic npc starts running here, then Eggman appears... But can that be done? Also teach me some basics? (If you want to, of course)
  8. Tai5_5

    [Open Assets] Sonic Smash Brawl

    Ayyy, i love source-code modifications for Srb2!
  9. Tai5_5


    Maybe you guys could add in-level cutscenes on the 2.2 new version. Wait maybe this post is too old for this reply... Or maybe i'm wrong... Edit: Yeah i was really wrong, this post is not old :P
  10. Tai5_5

    [Open Assets] Zone Builder

    Wow, the way that you can make the level is simple. You don't need to import 3D models or somenthing like that. It's everything based on sectors. :D
  11. Tai5_5

    Help, i portfowarded but still can't make a server

    Well i will try these things. Thanks for helping!
  12. Tai5_5

    Help, i portfowarded but still can't make a server

    I am making my server but... I portfoward (Port 5029) (UDP) but still... Nobody can join. Please help, what do i do?
  13. Tai5_5

    [Open Assets] Aiming Reticle for third person

  14. Tai5_5

    port fowarded but server is not showing

    Do you have your port 5029 UDP open? You need it to PortFowarding
  15. Tai5_5

    SRB2 Riders 2.1

    I never played Sonic Riders but this WAD looks awesome! :D