Recent content by Starman91

  1. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!)

    Starman91 updated The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!) with a new update entry: Thank you. Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!) - Thank you.

    It's weird to think that at some point, the end would actually arrive. Marking the end to all patches to this map pack (not counting possible emergency fixes), the Spark Cup reaches Version 3, and thus, the end of its maintenance, at least from me. Thanks to the input of multiple people...
  3. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!) - It's the end (or not!)

    Hello, everyone. Kart (as we know it) just turned 5 years old a few days ago. For a period of time, this game was the best outlet for my creative efforts, and mapping became incredibly fun, if also frustrating at times. Eventually, it all went well and I released something I'm very proud of...
  4. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!)

    Starman91 updated The Spark Cup Pack (The Monolith Awakens) with a new update entry: It's the end (or not!) Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!) - V2.7 - The Monolith Awakens

    Good evening! It's been a long while, hasn't it? After beating this recent burnout, and in the span of just a few days, I've been able to throw another update! Not the huge new track (or remake of that other track) people were maybe expecting, but instead, it's the turn to give a facelift to my...
  6. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!)

    Starman91 updated The Spark Cup Pack (Riviera Reformations) with a new update entry: Return of the Monolith Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!)

    Starman91 updated The Spark Cup Pack (The Return of a Legend) with a new update entry: V2.65 - Riviera Reformations Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!) - V2.65 - Riviera Reformations

    Greetings! This update is meant to be another transition update that brings the maps from the original Spark Cup into a new level by mostly giving them a needed coat of paint. Today's turn is Cerulean Riviera! The Monaco-based track now boasts a slightly altered layout that's generally wider...
  9. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!) - V2.6 - The Return of a Legend

    Surprise! It's been a while. Today I release the Spark Cup V2.6, with some significant changes, including the separation between race and battle (See the battle map in a different file), no more dynmusic in favor of native Encore music, some minor changes to most tracks... And the addition of a...
  10. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!)

    Starman91 updated The Spark Cup Pack (V2.5) (Very Very Long K shut up) with a new update entry: V2.6 - The Return of a Legend Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!) - Plans for the future!

    Hello! It's been a long time, and I've mostly taken a break from mapping. However, in the future (sooner or later, whenever it may be) I'd like to finish the pack and finally get it out of beta. As a first notice, this is not a pack update so if you're only here to download stuff, you can move...
  12. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!)

    Starman91 updated The Spark Cup Pack (V2.5) (Very Very Long K shut up) with a new update entry: Plans for the future! Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Starman91

    The Very Unofficial Vertex Slope Tutorial

    Starman91 submitted a new resource: The Very Unofficial Vertex Slope Tutorial - A guide on how to use Vertex Slopes in Zone Builder. Includes FOF slopes and midtexture tutorials. Read more about this resource...
  14. Starman91

    The Very Unofficial Vertex Slope Tutorial

    This guide is really, really long, and this is just a shorter version of the original. The additional URL provided gives you the full version of this guide that you can read in Google Docs. Click on "More Information" next to this thread to watch the full guide. You’ve probably heard of Vertex...
  15. Starman91

    [Open Assets] The Spark Cup Pack (It's the end - or not!) 3

    Introducing the "Spark Cup"! The Spark Cup is a map pack intended to be balanced around both RA and netgames alike, containing five tracks (Spark Cup), two extra tracks, a battle map, and some more stuff. These levels are inspired in their concept by the music that plays on them. If it exists...