Recent content by soniku adv

  1. soniku adv

    Riku character wad

    It says:"Invalid download Link"
  2. soniku adv

    The Super Sonic Monitor (supermonitor.wad)

    For me a bunch of codes come up. I really want this wad! Badly!
  3. soniku adv


    but you can hear and see video!
  4. soniku adv


    WAT IS THAT TO BE FUNNY????? or just really stupid
  5. soniku adv

    The Forbidden Next Gen Question

    :| well consider this: the cell processer on the PS3 can prevent/cure cancer! put that in your horn and play it! well besides i have well to do parents so im gettin the wii and ps3 :mrgreen: !
  6. soniku adv

    SADX-sonic (now for 1.09.4)

    Dude, now it says that the site is temporaraly frozen! I want this wad so bad......