Recent content by sonicfan44334

  1. sonicfan44334

    The Worst Level WAD

    If i'm bringing back an old topic delete my post. I know it is kind of bad but it is so fun! BTW, even though it looks bad, try it! enter addfile crazylevel.wad.
  2. sonicfan44334


    I love this one! Darkspine is from Sonic and the Secret Rings, right? I like him! Please help me: where do i create a level? im sorry if this is spam, im new... (-_-)
  3. sonicfan44334

    Drifters Characters (2.0 versions released)

    You know, I am annoyed. I cant play as Nitemare and i download him 9-100 times and i load his file and it still does not work! *ERGH* PS: sorry if this is spam i'm new
  4. sonicfan44334


    Hi im new that's funny but i cant find it... Sorry if i'm spamming, i'm pretty tired. Could anyone help me find the SADX sonic? i need him. Oh and Sonic Heroes Tails if there is a SH Tails?