Recent content by sapphirezx

  1. S

    SRB2 + Sonic GDK?

    It would be a great idea but see this is the problem. Sonic GDK wouldn't work online so no netgames or nothing and i think thats is one of the main reasons why people play srb2.
  2. S

    [Open Assets] SRB2 Riders 2.46.5

    its ok thanks for replying.
  3. S

    [Open Assets] SRB2 Riders 2.46.5

    I got a question. why cant i connect to the master server on srb2riders? i can host on regular srb2 with no problem but on srb2riders it tells me cant connect to the master sever. same thing when i try going on netgames this is very annoying think u can help me? please and thanks if u can.