Recent content by sanicspeed21

  1. sanicspeed21

    [Open Assets] Character Specific Jingles

    I knowwww, that's what I did! And it really does rock!
  2. sanicspeed21

    [Open Assets] Character Specific Jingles

    Adventure Sonic isn't really a great idea since he already has his own already embedded within the mod, I'd recommend not trying to go for his. Except for maybe the 1-up jingle, since that's the only one he doesn't have.
  3. sanicspeed21

    [Open Assets] Character Specific Jingles

    This addon is awesome and I'm definitely gonna use it while I'm playing from now on, it's such a neat little feature I didn't even know I wanted. Even added a few extra characters that I use and unique jingles for vanilla characters that weren't in here, totally open to sharing what I got if...
  4. sanicspeed21

    [Open Assets] Landing/walking/running sounds

    There's a couple special use cases that have some error to them. Shadow, in particular, still plays footsteps at full skating speed. Rouge does the same for while she's doing her fullspeed run, where she hovers over the ground, and I think Silver still does the same. Otherwise, I think the...
  5. sanicspeed21

    Cd's Mixed Models

    Ah, thank you. I see it's just a case of what Jeck Jims did with the model for Amy Hugs.
  6. sanicspeed21

    LonelyFoxz's Remixed 2.2 Models V1

    I think I need to ask about some of the missing models, like how Advance Cream is listed in the .txt file, but her actual model isn't present in the main folder. I assume it's just entered beforehand so that he can add the model later on?
  7. sanicspeed21

    Cd's Mixed Models

    Hey, not sure if this was spotted, but I think Ray has missing gliding animations that make him revert back to his sprites. I'd post a gif if I could, but they don't seem to upload here.