Recent content by Rel

  1. Rel

    RushChars - Blaze and Marine

    Due to segment violation errors, yes it may crash. Or outright close just like how you transform into HMS. But if it doesnt i dont think it lags a lot. sure it may be noticable but... honestly i have done this before. never encountered big lags. 1652691506 wait ohhh you meant single player...
  2. Rel

    RushChars - Blaze and Marine

    Its Sonic Rush: Metamorphosis. The music playing in the background when transforming.
  3. Rel

    [Open Assets] Monitor Storage - Save a powerup for later

    Now as soon as i saw this lua i decided to try this with mario... aaaand... it Sort of worked? Power-ups did save... but it gave mario shields... not the mario power ups... and yes. i know that this is an old addon thats probably not being worked on anymore... but is there a way to make mario...