Recent content by Othius

  1. Othius

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    Nonono, you don't understand. Glaber had passionate opinions and aired them, and that was actually a non-issue. The real issue was telling people that they shouldn't bother to mod the game because it "won't have any audience", and upvoting a post calling Kart Krew (and I quote), retards. This...
  2. Othius

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    LOL!???? This is such a non-leak. How is this evidence of a leaked conversation!? All I know now is that you two had a conversation. That's pretty cool! (I now know next to nothing about this conversation other than it existed)
  3. Othius

    PPGP - Panic's Pentaclar Grand Pee (an exclusive srb2kart map hell collab)

    Just ask him if you can put the level in regardless, he might allow a late submission!
  4. Othius

    Botanic Space Returns!

  5. Othius

    Venture Book

    You probably meant to name the thread Venture Book... A Venter is the underbelly of an animal, hahaha
  6. Othius

    UDMF-72Hour Сollab — Ultimate Depolygon Multiverse Features Collab

    the suffering shall commence when merging into the pk3 keep all files (even the horrible music file which only plays if you do something specific) EDIT: Updated my file!
  7. Othius

    UDMF-72Hour Сollab — Ultimate Depolygon Multiverse Features Collab

    Recreating my first ever released map, which ended up being for Krabs' 24hr Collab. Teehee!
  8. Othius

    SRB2 Carbon Isles Mod

    Moved this to Multi-Category due to the inclusion of the P_Skins, custom HUD, Clone Metal, and Sketchzelle.
  9. Othius

    High Jump Hijinx Stand alone

    Opened up the Discussion thread, I accidentally left it in Submissions. People can now talk here
  10. Othius

    Team Prismatic (Mystic Realm: Community Edition)

    Updated the opening post to have the latest download- if you've been getting it from there instead of looking through replies you can now get latest
  11. Othius

    Team Prismatic (Mystic Realm: Community Edition)

    I got bored yesterday and remade the first room of Tempest Valley Act 1. Path B area past the half pipe was made by Seaballer, and the last area in the gif was initially made by Speed2411 (but I remade it following the same layout) Path A. Path B.
  12. Othius

    Team Prismatic (Mystic Realm: Community Edition)

    The exit sector in a12 build is very tiny in the center of the circle. This was fixed, but the level is still completable 1704509722 Posting another indev 0.5 beta here! Things are coming along very nicely. This is still buggy and not a finished 0.5. All contribution is appreciated! DOWNLOAD...
  13. Othius

    Team Prismatic (Mystic Realm: Community Edition)

    Considering the extensive amount of additions to the level since I recorded it a few days ago, I decided to make another showcase video, this time showing a new section made by STF and Radicalicious (with more touchup and level rearrangement done by me).
  14. Othius

    Team Prismatic (Mystic Realm: Community Edition)

    Showcase of the new Labyrinth Woods remake by Evertone and Kanna (with level design touchups and edits by me) retextured with textures previously made by DirkTheHusky
  15. Othius

    Team Prismatic (Mystic Realm: Community Edition)

    updating the titlemap jade coast, mudhole karst, tempest valley, rainstorm keep verdant forest flame rift, vulkan forge midnight freeze, nitric citadel 1704145308 Done with the new titlemap for now; It now moves twice as slow so you can process each area, and I flipped it, so the zones...