Recent content by Naruto Uzumaki

  1. Naruto Uzumaki

    Six-shooter Fang

    It's Mista's Stand, Six Bullets! Didn't expect to find this here today!
  2. Naruto Uzumaki

    How did you get your Username...

    I got mine from Naruto... So, pretty self-explanatory!
  3. Naruto Uzumaki

    Honey The Cat

    Could hair color change support for P2 in Co-op be added?
  4. Naruto Uzumaki

    Shadow the Hedgehog

    Does anyone else prefer the OLD Shadow's idle animation? The current idle animation is fine and all, but I feel like the old one matched Shadow's personality a little better. Is it just me?
  5. Naruto Uzumaki

    Among Us Crew-mate - Vent Update! - v7.11 - Md2 Model

    Just so you know, there is no speed difference between Sonic and Tails anymore. In fact, every character from the main cast has the same stats, except for their jump heights. A little info is all.
  6. Naruto Uzumaki

    [Open Assets] The Rabbid Returns! V3

    Could the scream possibly be quieted down?
  7. Naruto Uzumaki

    [Open Assets] Tails Doll V.1.1

    Oh hey, it's that guy everyone forgets about in their wake hours, but secretly haunts them in their dreams at night. Of course, nobody remembers him. But, somehow he always ends up... in their dreams...
  8. Naruto Uzumaki

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    If the current SRB2 isn't v2.2.8, correct me. But, ever since the most recent update on SRB2, Modern Sonic has been flinging enemies into P2 again. The abuse is... starting to take its toll on me considering...
  9. Naruto Uzumaki

    [Open Assets] The Rabbid Returns! V3

    Couldn't Kirby also be a god of destruction? I mean, he gets angry when someone takes his food, then he unleashes destruction upon the person and any other parties involved in the stealing. However, he won't unleash upon another Kirby. Weird...
  10. Naruto Uzumaki

    [Open Assets] The Rabbid Returns! V3

    When I saw this guy I kinda thought the same thing.
  11. Naruto Uzumaki

    [Open Assets] The Rabbid Returns! V3

    This is simply... terrifying! But, I'm interested.
  12. Naruto Uzumaki

    [Open Assets] Legacy Espio (v2.95)

    Is this level from Tortured Planet? In 2.2?
  13. Naruto Uzumaki

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    It's not a problem for any Modern Sonic player, it's a problem for everyone else is what I mean.
  14. Naruto Uzumaki

    [Open Assets] Cacodemon

    That is one heated argument there. Did you at least finish it? Along with his life? Was the argument constructive?
  15. Naruto Uzumaki

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    Modern Sonic sends enemies with springs flying, is this intentional? It kinda makes it mildly difficult to progress in some modded levels. If this is intentional, could enemies with springs be given some kind of an exception to the rule, to prevent difficulty in levels? I'm surprised this hasn't...