Recent content by ManicAdrenaline

  1. ManicAdrenaline

    Problem with Ring Slinger modes

    Nevermind, I got it working:) Thanks for the help though!
  2. ManicAdrenaline

    Problem with Ring Slinger modes

    What would be considered "incorrect"?
  3. ManicAdrenaline

    Who's your favorite underrated/obscure Sonic character?

    I personally like Shard the Metal Sonic. He's from the Archie comics and started as a generic Metal Sonic, albeit with a different design. Later on, he turned good and became more similar in personality to the real Sonic. His design is also really similar to Mach 3.0 from Sonic Rivals.
  4. ManicAdrenaline

    Post your pics/art here!

    Here's a character I created named Doki the Cat as well as twins Beans (black with white outline) and Snaeb (white with black outline): Edit: I'm not entirely satisfied with how it looks. It's pretty pixelated and Doki's eyes look kinda trash.
  5. ManicAdrenaline

    Problem with Ring Slinger modes

    I just updated to 2.2.11 to start playing Ring Slinger servers, but now my character randomly fires rings whenever I look around. I don't know if it's my general control setup or if it has to do with my gamepad. If anyone knows what it could be, please let me know.