Recent content by LKA

  1. LKA

    Official Time Attack Records for 2.0.5+

    I was tired of seeing TMM have all the times so I dl'd srb2 again and cooked that up real quick. Guess it paid off since somebody else is pretending Knuckles exists. Sweet run bro. Don't know why people feel the need to glide past the lasers at the start, it's really not any faster than just...
  2. LKA

    Official Time Attack Records (Pre-2.0.5)

    ERZ1 Knuckles 1:28.25 lol <3
  3. LKA

    Downloading Ubuntu now...

    You'll have to make partitions in the hard drive to configure a dual-booting system. But yes, you can. You'll probably want to keep XP though so you should probably crash-course in learning how to make multiple partitions. Then again, last I remember, Ubuntu's install CD has a partition...
  4. LKA


    ZUN honestly doesn't care about the fact people are pirating his games.. as long as they don't go throwing out ending details left and right without you having to beat them (Which caused plenty of mixups about Eirin during TH8 [come on, why did an emote try to render here..?]), and most people...
  5. LKA

    SRB2 2.0.X Bug Reports (Pre-2.0.5)

    EIP=0047290e ERZ2, coop, I was in the disco area alongside JJ, was watching friend in chasecam 0, said they never shrunk at the zoom tube. Both me and the person I was watching sigsev'd the moment they were hit by a shield-carrying badnik dude. My sigsev came a minute or so before JJ's, leaving...
  6. LKA

    Playable Eggman! - eggman.wad

    I honestly love this. The bulkiness is silly but it's nothing that chasecam 0 can't fix. Very fun to play as, hilarious in Match. Super Robotnik was so hilariously 10/10 that we had to keep feeding rings into them to watch them jump so high. My only complaint is underwater with them.. DSZ is a...
  7. LKA

    Official Time Attack Records (Pre-2.0.5)

    Well um since there's not been any real activity in DSZ1 as Knux.. I figured I'd give it a shot. Deep Sea Zone act 1, Knuckles, 1:39.51 JJ is awesome for recording this for me, but he failed at getting the X:YY.ZZ timer in my recording, so I included...
  8. LKA

    Introduce Yourself

    Hi. I'm not sure if I existed here before, but.. eh. I'm that one guy from 72dpiarmy/Super Mario War that you probably don't know. I play PSO because I have nothing else to do with my day. I might not post much but that's not really important, since it's the quality of posts that matters.