Recent content by Jexus

  1. J

    [Open Assets] Nasya the Weightless - V2.0.1 - The Pants Update

    Hi, im the guy that left a long message more than a year ago. I said id check back here, and better late and never i guess. Ive been meaning to complete a playthrough with her forever but i couldnt for a long time for "personal reasons". But i finally did and man this character is great. Before...
  2. J

    Armageddon shield usefulness discussion

    Honestly the worst part of the nuke shield is just where its placed on levels, because it always seems super well hidden just like emerald tokens and emblems, and it always felt dissapointing to get it in that context, especially when all the other shields have more utility (tbh id be really...
  3. J

    Sonic Ability Design Contest (SADC) Voting Thread

    Well that took a while, been writing this for days, thats what happens when life catches up to you (hope its ok to do this after the contest is over). Anyhow, now that i played around with all the them thoks for like a couple of hours im going to try to be succinct and eloquent in showing my...
  4. J

    Sonic Ability Design Contest (SADC) Release Thread

    man this is pretty cool, all these variations make my brain spin with excitment, i had to make a chart with even more categories then the poll has to keep my thoughts organized (honestly i really want to tell all my thoughts but then this would be a 100 page epic). i loove this stuff. although...
  5. J

    [Open Assets] Nasya the Weightless - V2.0.1 - The Pants Update

    i want to preface this by saying that i very much see the effort put into this wad,i love the story bits, it always left a smile on my face, and while it isnt super amazingly writtten, i find it really endearing. im also in theory down with the gameplay, i have always wanted a character that is...