Recent content by Driftwood X

  1. Driftwood X

    Another MS issue topic by someone too lazy to type a proper topic subject

    Oh my lordy. I realized why the MS wasn't working for me.You wanna know why? I had the 2.0.1 version of SRB2 instead of 2.0.4. (*shot*) ... OK, so can anyone give me the link to download version 4 (no torrents, please), or do I have to access any updating maneuver in my SRB2 folder? If I do...
  2. Driftwood X

    Another MS issue topic by someone too lazy to type a proper topic subject

    I had a very well written paragraph, but my dumbarse brother deleted it all before post. Also, my stupid little brother edited the title when I was in the restroom. NO, I'm not banned. This is my first using the new SRB2. BTW, I'm not a spambawt, I been on SRB2 since 2004 when the website was...
  3. Driftwood X

    Another MS issue topic by someone too lazy to type a proper topic subject

    I changed the MS name to "" (not including quotations), used the MSLauncher 2, edit the options function, and STILL cannot get on the Master Server! What am I doing wrong?!? HELP!!