Recent content by Dash20

  1. D

    [Character] Mother 3 - Frog in a Car

    if i could rate this 6 stars, i would
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    Aaron's Char Pack - Latest Update: Peppino's back for another lap

    I'VE COME TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT this is a really cool pack lol :)
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    [Character] Pink's Character Pack v4.1

    Dude, these characters are all sick! I especially love the Orbot & Cubot, Raz and Yoyo characters.
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    [Level Pack] Dig Pack

    I always loved maps that were clearly based on another game or something, but weren't just a port or remake of a pre-existing track from a racing game. Really like how you translated the Shovel Knight levels into a 3D setting, and the tracks themselves have a lot of fun shortcuts and sprite...
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    [Open Assets] Emgiell's Mini Car Pack

    I'd love to see some of the "sillier" bodies from the Choro Q games show up at some time personally. Maybe the Moai head or Hotplate from HG4. Or the Choo Choo Train from Road Trip Adventure.
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    Efini RX-7

    Honestly, I'd kill to see a Volkswagon Bus.
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    Efini RX-7

    Ah, interesting. Kinda thought a Choro Q styled car would be nice to see one day. Again, love how this came out.
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    Efini RX-7

    Longshot, but were these sprites inspired by the Choro Q series of toys/games by any chance? Because I see a resemblence. Regardless, very good work on this.
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    [Character] Yahoo/SpeedRunner Mario

    Only complaint is that I think he needs a better mini map icon. Other then that, he's great.
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    [Character] Robin E's Character Pack V1.9

    A little disapointed most of Dad's quips are mostly the same line. I know it's mostly in reference to the meme, and that's fine, but I would of liked more variety in quotes. Regardless, the sprite work on all of these characters are incredible. You really managed to get the artstyle right for a...
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    [Open Assets] F-Zero GX Narrator!

    Oh damn, DarkyBenji's doing SRB2 Kart mods now? Dude, I loved your MKWii stuff, so thi is a really nice treat. The mod itself is great as well. Nice job on this.
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    [Open Assets] Super Hang-On! (OUTDATED) v1.2

    Ooh, this is actually a really cool idea for a character. I'm a sucker for characters where the kart is changed or modified to some capacity. The idea of having a Moto Bike is something I'm surprised never really crossed my mind before. The jump spin sprites do look a little goofy, but I'm...
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    [Character] CTR Character Pack

    I was actually really hoping the Nitro Squad would be made someday. So far, this pack looks like a lot of fun. My only real complaint is that I think Isabella's sprites can look a little goofy at some angles, but that's easily ignorable. Looking forward to other Crash Characters being added in...
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    The Exotic Exotic Butters (FNAF VR : HW)

    You can't hear the sound byte at the end. Too quiet. That and it's not very talkative in general. Even if all his voice clips were the same audio file, I'd prefer that. If anything, it'd add hilarity to the character. It's better then being in total silence and only having a quip near the end...
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    What a coincidence. I was literally just thinking about how neat it would be if someone made a Diddy Kong Racing character for this game earlier today. Looks great.