Recent content by DarkTechno

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    Vanilla Shader Resource

    DarkTechno submitted a new resource: Vanilla Shader Resource - Vanilla shaders as an addon for reference when creating custom shaders Read more about this resource...
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    [Open Assets] Vanilla Shader Resource 1.0.0

    If you add this file and nothing looks different, that's great news. This is a direct port of the internal hardcode shaders into an addon. This is for reference to anyone who wants to explore making custom shaders. Hopefully this can act as a guide to experiment with your own shaders, and can...
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    [Open Assets] ExitBird

    Don't you love those times when you're on GreenFlower Zone 1 and playersforexit is set to all and everyone has beaten it except one person and it will take them 20 mins. What? You Don't? Well.... Here is something to spice up the after-completion gameplay that occurs while you are waiting for...
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    [SUGOI 2] Sonic Uncovers Banning And Realizes Anime Spoilers Hurt Intricate Ideas

    Thank you all who played and gave feedback. I did what I could in the short amount of time I was able to work and polish up the map. Hopefully I addressed some of the issues. Here is the link to my original post. Looking forward to the first test of SUGOII, and good luck to those that aren't...
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    [SUGOI 2] Sonic Uncovers Banning And Realizes Anime Spoilers Hurt Intricate Ideas

    Download: Attached. Title: Atlantis. Credits: Uses SRB2 Asset Pack and Freedoom textures. Credits are contained in a lump inside the map. Maintainer Notes: Useful maintenance info is inside the Credit lump.
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    Let the speedruns begin!

    Time Attack THZ1 - Sonic: 0:42.37 - Managed to beat the current record despite messing up in a few places. I believe that sub 40 is achievable. RVZ1 - Sonic: 0:58.48 - Another record with a mess-up, and...
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    Let the speedruns begin!

    Sonic: THZ1: 0:51.82 - Not the best time as I was messing around with routes, but I found a trick at the start of the map. The trick is that you can thok right when you get to the top of the wall in the beginning and can save around a second.