Recent content by Cloak

  1. C

    People hardly use 3rd person cam in match?

    I am awesome with 3rd person mode, anyone who played me knows im not to bad at the game. I just turn auto aim on, that helps alot. Yeah I know I barely post in these forums, but atleast I posted, right?
  2. C

    1.09.3 Released

    1. allow settings to be saved (like 3rd person mode and auto aim, also player stuff) 2. make it so your aloud to edit your person before a match, (so you dont get pwnt in a match while doing it.) 3. IT KEEPS CRASHING when you join a net game (same in the other versions too but not as much as...
  3. C

    Hacks and Finds (Spoiler Warning)

    it takes way more than 2 hours (if you dont know where some of the crap is like me)
  4. C

    Hacks and Finds (Spoiler Warning)

    pfft...forget that I aint unlocking all those things over again...
  5. C

    Hacks and Finds (Spoiler Warning)

    I think you need a newer gamedata.dat because it wont work with my version... someone please post a link of another one that works?
  6. C

    Hacks and Finds (Spoiler Warning)

    dude you rock, now I pretty much dont have to struggle with all this crap again to get the secrets
  7. C

    lol its pretty fun for some reason. I dont think there is anything that can beat www all though A came very close
  8. C

    Sonic Into Dreams

    Then how do you get nights?
  9. C

    SRB2 1.09.2 is out!

    whats 2d mode and whats SA mode? tell me how to get them.
  10. C

    What's your favourite srb2 level?

    same, also I like the music it kinda has that "exploration" feel to it