Recent content by CH-3.rry

  1. CH-3.rry

    Marie Poppo

    CH-3.rry updated Marie Poppo with a new update entry: 1.1: HitEm sound fixed Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. CH-3.rry

    Marie Poppo - 1.1: HitEm sound fixed

    Apparently the HitEm sound wasn't working! It's been fixed now, wish I caught it sooner ><
  3. CH-3.rry

    Marie Poppo

    CH-3.rry submitted a new resource: Marie Poppo - Who let this little scamp drive a kart? Read more about this resource...
  4. CH-3.rry

    Marie Poppo 1.1

    She might be Mikky Mousse. Don't tell Sora. First time trying a character mod, and trying sprite art in general. It honestly turned out much better than I expected, though I'll definitely wanna come back and spruce her up a little bit sometime.