
The long-term idea is that any single-segment run, meaning no deaths, would count. Completing the game with all emeralds would unlock the ability to use Super in record attack, fixing that discrepancy. This is actually part of the reason why making the tokens not give 50 rings is preferred, as it's more interesting for time attack if you actually have to find 50 rings legitimately to pull off super in a time attack scenario.

I'm open to ideas on something better to put there, but because of the reasoning above I don't think reverting to 50 rings is a good idea.

This is generally why in one of my previous posts I suggested simply disqualifying a run if you pick up a token with all 7 emeralds in your possession. If you are going after them to turn super, your priority obviously isn't the ring-based record attack emblems as once you transform you are losing 1 ring per second, which is counter productive to collecting the required rings to complete the objective. It would also be counter intuitive to limit people to taking a specific path just because of where the emblems are for speedrunning. As such, it makes sense to me to simply disqualify a run in which someone guns straight for the emblems seeking easy access to their super form.

I kinda get where you are coming from in the mentality that it's more interesting to collect the 50 rings needed to transform manually as opposed to being granted access through a single item, but I feel like that should be a choice the player gets to make as opposed to something hard enforced on everyone. As a certain infamous controversy made painfully clear, super forms and what they stand for have different significance and meaning to different people, and I don't feel like enforcing a particular gameplay style on everyone through fear of it getting in the way of Record Attack is quite the right way to go in this case.

In particular, for a lot of people including myself, the tokens are useful not only for easily transforming to begin with, but act as an additional reward knowing where they are by helping you to maintain your ever draining ring count after you are already transformed. While there is a certain satisfaction that comes with learning how to maintain the form without needing the tokens, sometimes it's more fun to just have the safety net when you are playing casually and aren't worried about speedrunning through a level.
The long-term idea is that any single-segment run, meaning no deaths, would count. Completing the game with all emeralds would unlock the ability to use Super in record attack, fixing that discrepancy. This is actually part of the reason why making the tokens not give 50 rings is preferred, as it's more interesting for time attack if you actually have to find 50 rings legitimately to pull off super in a time attack scenario.
Ooh, this makes a lot of sense.

It's an undeveloped idea, but what if collecting a token with 7 emeralds gave a temporary character-specific boost on pick-up? Like Tails could get infinite flight for the duration, Metal Sonic could be in max dash mode for the duration, I dunno. Gives some more meaning to non-Sonic characters collecting all 7 emeralds without giving them a full-on super form, and maybe could lead to interesting strats.
The game's soundtrack has a detailed credits list for each track, but I feel like maps deserve the same treatment. These things are seriously impressive and their creators deserve proper credit. I know it's an absolute mess when you consider old maps with tons of revisions, though.
I have to ask, why do the characters have such gimpy jumps in SRB2? It feels like they jump at 1/4th the height of the official games. When playing as Sonic, I have to call Tails to reach anything but the lowest platforms. I find it kinda annoying and unnatural.

Is there any reason jumps can't be buffed a little? I don't think it would break any of the levels.
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I have to ask, why do the characters have such gimpy jumps in SRB2? It feels like they jump at 1/4th the height of the official games. When playing as Sonic, I have to call Tails to reach anything but the lowest platforms. I find it kinda annoying and unnatural.

Is there any reason jumps can't be buffed a little? I don't think it would break any of the levels.

I second a slight buff to jumps. Sonic Adventure 1 had very high jumps, and Knuckles' jumps were also high, I understand they made his jump height smaller to keep Knuckles out of Sonic's sections (also because Sonic 3 & Knuckles did it), but I mean I think the SA1 Knuckles glide would improve the game. (Unrelated I know.) I'm not saying make the jump height like Sonic Adventure, but the jumps do feel kind of short. Just a small buff to jump heights and maaaybe change the level design so that knux still gets the buff but cant go into Sonic sections. That FOF section in Techno Hill 1 is kinda boring and badly designed anyway imo. I mean i'm sure they can come up with something else other than just jump on some platforms but Knux cant jump high enough.
The jump height is probably better left unchanged. The levels are balanced around the current jump height (Or to put it another way, the levels are designed with the current jump height in mind). As such, while it might not seem on the surface like making everyone jump a little higher would impact gameplay much, the most likely effect once the idea leaves paper and goes into implementation would be that the added height strips away a lot of the intended difficulty.

If you are having trouble reaching platforms as Sonic, it's most likely not an issue with the game, and more likely that either you aren't pulling off the jumps correctly or Sonic simply isn't intended to make the jump in question. Considering you seem to be having trouble with "anything but the lowest platforms", it seems more likely that it's an issue with you not performing the jumps correctly or some kind of glitch, as no such problem exists on either my copy of the game, nor a friends.
The jumps feel proportionally correct, but again I feel like the Modern Sonic mod really nails an alternative with Sonic having more control mid-air with double jumps and homing attacks. It makes Sonic more forgiving and offers a bit more advantage to the player, which evens the playing field a bit because the levels can be so initially intimidating.

Vanilla Sonic's jumps are the hardest because they don't have any recovery options if you mis-judge the height or any aspect of the jump. When I'm playing solo Sonic in Arid Canyon Act 1 and I have to go through the last section with the pulleys without the ability to fly/glide/climb/bounce/double-jump around it, there's always part of me that's like "ahhh dammit alright this again" and I invariably drop at least a few lives in the last section with the attack bird drone... then it's back to the start of the pulleys again... then I lose a few lives trying to thokk skip over some of it, and miss it, then it's back to the start AGAIN and this time I'm like okay I'll be patient and just do the damn thing, but then I get by a bird drone on the last pulley and then it's back at the start AGAIN and I'm starting to wonder why not just do something else.

Vanilla Sonic is hard mode, Sonic & Tails is normal, but Modern should be incorporated as easy mode (and Modern+Tails as easier mode).

Being able to adjust mid-air with a double jump, or be guided to the right spot with the homing attack, is HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE for not getting really frustrated playing as Sonic.

The character moveset is essentially your loadout. Vanilla Sonic like going through Doom with just handguns; Modern is like going through with an overpowered machine gun. It's nice to have the option of having more power if you feel like you need it to enjoy the level designs and progression.


I agree with more detailed level design credits! I want the full oral history at some point tbh.


Using Super Sonic in record attack would be awesome. I wish I could use the mod characters in level select / record attack too.

---------- Post added at 06:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 AM ----------

Pitch —

It'd be fun if in first-person mode, you saw the character's front-facing sprite at the bottom of the screen (like Doomguy in the originals) making the faces they'd be making in context (hurt, flailing, etc).

I like how FP mode defaults to showing the status on the bottom right, and thought it'd be fun if you could play the whole game as Doom Sonic.

Incidentally, introducing the game to a new player as "First Person Sonic" first (with the encouraged option to play in third person so you can see better) might actually make the controls click easier, regardless of kb+m or gamepad. It could be useful in the tutorial, as the first thing. "Think of this like you're playing Doom. Now imagine you can see behind the Doomguy. Now consider that Doomguy is Sonic, and the levels aren't about combat, but jumping and running. Makes sense, right? Welcome to the most fun you'll ever have playing a Sonic game, and sorry for ruining the official games for now you forever."

Can't emphasize how everything made soooooo much more obvious sense once I realized I was controlling a third-person version of a first-person shooter as a platforming game, rather than a 3D platformer like Mario.
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Suggestion 1:

When a player collects an emblem, have a little emblem counter briefly appear at the bottom-right corner of the screen (similar to the lives counter) and show +1 being added to it. This lets new players know that they just got a collectable rather than a powerup or something that they don't understand.

Suggestion 2:

A small idea to make continues mildly valuable. Maybe have a "Beat the game without getting a Game Over" emblem. If the player loses all their lives while they still have a continue, don't show the Game Over text and just skip straight to the Continue screen. They only lose their chance at the emblem if they lose all their lives and continues.
I second a slight buff to jumps. Sonic Adventure 1 had very high jumps, and Knuckles' jumps were also high, I understand they made his jump height smaller to keep Knuckles out of Sonic's sections (also because Sonic 3 & Knuckles did it), but I mean I think the SA1 Knuckles glide would improve the game. (Unrelated I know.) I'm not saying make the jump height like Sonic Adventure, but the jumps do feel kind of short. Just a small buff to jump heights and maaaybe change the level design so that knux still gets the buff but cant go into Sonic sections. That FOF section in Techno Hill 1 is kinda boring and badly designed anyway imo. I mean i'm sure they can come up with something else other than just jump on some platforms but Knux cant jump high enough.
I think Sonic's moveset and abilities are fine when considering that SRB2 is modeled after the Genesis games, not the modern ones.

We also need to note that levels would have to be completely redesigned if his moveset was buffed with new abilities and higher jumps, as it would otherwise be easy to cheese all of the levels. I definitely wouldn't want the game to take the route of the Infinity engine (search for it on Youtube) as the moves Sonic can make are so expansive and powerful that some demonstration levels can be passed with little to no actual platforming.
Metal Sonic having a different jog animation than his float one so people could know if he's just starting moving or he's float

I say this because the tips of Metal's feet clip into the ground when he jogs and runs. Unless you're using an MD2 on the sprites, That's what happening.
I think Sonic's moveset and abilities are fine when considering that SRB2 is modeled after the Genesis games, not the modern ones.

We also need to note that levels would have to be completely redesigned if his moveset was buffed with new abilities and higher jumps, as it would otherwise be easy to cheese all of the levels. I definitely wouldn't want the game to take the route of the Infinity engine (search for it on Youtube) as the moves Sonic can make are so expansive and powerful that some demonstration levels can be passed with little to no actual platforming.

imo neither Sonic's moveset nor the existing levels need any significant changing, really. I wouldn't mind having Sonic's drop dash when holding spin coming out of a jump, but otherwise it seems to work exactly as intended. It's great.

But the extra characters, and the mods, reveal the depth of replayability when the player is offered a variety of options in how they'd like to traverse the map.

The Modern Sonic mod is overpowered and breaks the levels, but in a good way and especially for new players (as I made the case in my above posts; sorry for repeating myself). Either as a separate character, or some form of an "Easy / Hard" from the beginning that explains the difference in Classic and Modern move-sets, I strongly believe that this mod in particular should be adapted into the base game.

Classic Sonic is hard mode, it's for veteran players. Playing with Tails helps cheese certain parts which is great, but it brings with it it's own set of complications (getting lost). Modern Sonic allows a new player to have homing guide them through the level, double/walljumps for recovery, and boost for ridiculous speed.

In other words - nothing needs to be removed from the existing gameplay, I think it works wonderfully - but I suggest Modern being incorporated as an easy mode. Ideally with a nicer looking or the existing HUD display, with a "Boost" gauge as percentage in the top-left.

The game opened up so much when I discovered the Modern mod and could play as a properly over-powered character and make Metal Sonic look like a chump rather than grinding out enough hits while collecting the dropped rings or thokking off stage. And in the process of playing as Modern, I've also become better at playing as the vanilla Sonic + bonus characters.
The Modern Sonic mod is overpowered and breaks the levels, but in a good way and especially for new players (as I made the case in my above posts; sorry for repeating myself). Either as a separate character, or some form of an "Easy / Hard" from the beginning that explains the difference in Classic and Modern move-sets, I strongly believe that this mod in particular should be adapted into the base game.

I do agree that Modern Sonic should be adapted into the base game, but not from the start. The entire development mindset behind the game as it is right now is that it's specifically not a Modern Sonic game. To have him unlocked from the start would go against this entirely.

Rather, I feel like he would be perfect to have as the reward for collecting all the emblems. This way, you couldn't use him to cheese record attack scores for emblems and there would be a true incentive to go after all the emblems aside from just 100%ing everything.
Modern Sonic would be a cool addition, but I think an Adventure style Sonic would fit better, basically the same as Modern, but without the double jump or boost, and ring trails could be used to create routes specifically for him.
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I do agree that Modern Sonic should be adapted into the base game, but not from the start. The entire development mindset behind the game as it is right now is that it's specifically not a Modern Sonic game. To have him unlocked from the start would go against this entirely.

Rather, I feel like he would be perfect to have as the reward for collecting all the emblems. This way, you couldn't use him to cheese record attack scores for emblems and there would be a true incentive to go after all the emblems aside from just 100%ing everything.

See but I think Modern actually makes more sense for beginners than veterans. By the time you've collected enough emblems to unlock him, he's kind of pointless. The fun in his over-powered-ness is best suited for Easy mode.

I agree that record attack is a problem, but I think an easier solution is just that Modern isn't allowed to do record attack (or can be unlocked), or they don't "count." I think the audience that you're targeting with Modern's inclusion isn't the same as veteran players who speedrun. Then again, if Super Sonic can be used in record attack, I don't see why it'd be a problem for Modern to be able to record attack. In fact one of the reasons I'd like for Modern to be included in the base game is so he can use the bonus stages and level select.

I understand the thought process behind why this game wasn't built for Modern, but a funny thing happened in the 20 years of this game's progression -- the Modern moveset actually makes *more* sense for this game, than any official game that uses Modern, and arguably more than vanilla Sonic.

Ultimately I don't think there's a benefit from locking him away. I think you'd want to keep the barrier of entry as low as possible to SRB2, you know? New/young/beginner players can pick up Modern Sonic immediately and cheese through levels and feel cool. And as they gain experience, they play the classic/vanilla/hard Sonic, as it was intended, for a more challenging and perhaps more rewarding experience.

It's a fortunate, not unfortunate, coincidence that Modern's moveset happens to fit so well in a game not specifically designed for him.

As it happens, I think SRB2 makes a far stronger case than Generations or Forces or any other project that's attempted to have both classic and modern feel like they can both co-exist. SRB2 makes a stronger case for variety of playstyles in a 3D Sonic than any other too, but I guess that's maybe not the highest bar to clear. Nonetheless it exceeds it!

---------- Post added at 02:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ----------

Modern Sonic would be a cool addition, but I think and Adventure style Sonic would fit better, basically the same as Modern, but without the double jump or boost, and ring trails could be used to create routes specifically for him.

imo the double jump is crucial to what makes the Modern mod work so well in the SRB2 levels. Personally I wouldn't change a thing (other than the HUD)!
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See but I think Modern actually makes more sense for beginners than veterans. By the time you've collected enough emblems to unlock him, he's kind of pointless. The fun in his over-powered-ness is best suited for Easy mode.

I agree that record attack is a problem, but I think an easier solution is just that Modern isn't allowed to do record attack (or can be unlocked), or they don't "count." I think the audience that you're targeting with Modern's inclusion isn't the same as veteran players who speedrun.

I understand the thought process behind why this game wasn't built for Modern, but a funny thing happened in the 20 years of this game's progression -- the Modern moveset actually makes *more* sense for this game, than any official game that uses Modern, and arguably more than vanilla Sonic.

Ultimately I don't think there's a benefit from locking him away. I think you'd want to keep the barrier of entry as low as possible to SRB2, you know? New/young/beginner players can pick up Modern Sonic immediately and cheese through levels and feel cool. And as they gain experience, they play the classic/vanilla/hard Sonic, as it was intended, for a more challenging and perhaps more rewarding experience.

It's a fortunate, not unfortunate, coincidence that Modern's moveset happens to fit so well in a game not specifically designed for him.

The thing is that there's already an easy mode character: Tails. He's not as fast as Modern Sonic, but he's far more mobile and can skip a majority of platforming segments.

Regardless of the fact that Modern's gameplay feels so right in SRB2 (Indeed as you said, perhaps moreso than Classic Sonic), it doesn't change the fact that he should be an unlockable for the exact reason I stated before. The developer's intentions for this game are that it's specifically not a Modern Sonic game. You see, first impressions mean a lot when it comes to things like this, and by having Modern Sonic unlocked from the start, or otherwise too early on will give new players the impression that this is a Modern Sonic fangame and as such treat it with the expectation of it being a Modern Sonic fangame. When they transition from playing as Modern Sonic to any other character, they will feel as though something is missing and the character will likely feel rather unsatisfactory. Most new players would heavily main Modern Sonic and as such judge the game as a Modern Sonic game.

The level design was made with Classic Sonic and friends in mind, and as such players should learn to appreciate the game with these characters first before they experience them with Modern Sonic.

As such, the intention behind making him the final unlockable isn't strictly about restricting him to veteran players. It's about making it so you have to have done everything in order to make the game play like a game that isn't a Classic Sonic game. It also falls into the same kind of "Overpowered reward" type category that Super Sonic falls into.

If he were to be available from the start, the only way to really balance the unlockables would be to disable him from earning any emblems or saving record attack ghost data entirely, aside from perhaps NiGHTS mode. This would mostly force players to play the game as intended to earn unlockables, but doesn't solve the issue of players gravitating towards the Modern playstyle and then expecting everything to be developed under the mentality of a Modern Sonic game, and perhaps being disappointed when they find out it's not.
Empirical evidence in favor of Modern for beginners from Woolie's stream playing as Sonic & Tails. He'd beaten the game previously as Knuckles with 0 emeralds, but hadn't played through as Sonic.

One of the first things he mentions the difficulty in targeting rings, and then around 21:40 talks about the electric shield being his favorite because it's able to target.

Vanilla Sonic is hard mode because it keeps the jump features stripped down to the 2D/classic roots with the thokk as the 3D modifier. Sonic is the bullet, but it's a popgun for vanilla and an uzi for Modern. The beginner player should start with modern jump abilities *and then* begin to show their skill, as they develop it, with the more minimalist option.
Empirical evidence in favor of Modern for beginners from Woolie's stream playing as Sonic & Tails. He'd beaten the game previously as Knuckles with 0 emeralds, but hadn't played through as Sonic.

One of the first things he mentions the difficulty in targeting rings, and then around 21:40 talks about the electric shield being his favorite because it's able to target.

Vanilla Sonic is hard mode because it keeps the jump features stripped down to the 2D/classic roots with the thokk as the 3D modifier. Sonic is the bullet, but it's a popgun for vanilla and an uzi for Modern. The beginner player should start with modern jump abilities *and then* begin to show their skill, as they develop it, with the more minimalist option.

Again, it's not really about being a veteran or a beginner, hard mode or easy mode, etc. This is already accounted for in game via Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Tails is easy mode, Knuckles is well rounded, and Sonic is hard.

The point of locking him behind being the final unlockable is about the game not being a Modern Sonic game. It's a Classic Sonic game, and was specifically built around not being a Modern Sonic game. This is why the homing attack on the attraction shield keeps forward momentum and can't be chained to attack multiple enemies unless you specifically aim your momentum to do so, for example.

The game was entirely designed around being a Classic game, and playing it like one is the intended playstyle the developers are going for. To then go and throw Modern Sonic in as a character unlocked from the start or really early on flies in the face of the entire point they were going for.

This is why Modern Sonic should be locked behind collecting all the emblems. It isn't about how difficult he is (or isn't) to play, it's about restricting him to only being playable by those who have experienced the game the way the developers intended to begin with, so that he can be a neat completion bonus.
The thing is that there's already an easy mode character: Tails. He's not as fast as Modern Sonic, but he's far more mobile and can skip a majority of platforming segments.

Regardless of the fact that Modern's gameplay feels so right in SRB2 (Indeed as you said, perhaps moreso than Classic Sonic),

Before we get into where we disagree, let's linger here for a moment on this point of agreement... the Modern mod feels SO INSANELY right. Right?

I don't even have fickle's camera mod and other improvements made since 2.2.0 (on mac), but Modern either breaks or fixes the game, depending on your point of view. I take the view that it's a bit of both, and that his overpoweredness is actually a better form of training wheels than Sonic & Tails.

The best evidence for why that's right is this:

The courses aren't truly open world. Tails flying straight up doesn't show you everything; it cuts off at the wall, the linedef (i think?). As such it can become easy for a player to go up, look around, and then be confused about where they're supposed to go next, and not realize they're backtracking until too late.

Modern's homing attack & light-speed dash guide the player through the course, in an almost hand-holding way, but also in a way that feels really good. This makes the player feel like they are good at the game, even though they actually aren't yet... and when people feel like they're good at a game, they will enjoy replaying it. As they move on from Modern, they'd realize the precision needed when you are stripped of the recovery double-jump, homing, or wallkick. (Walkick has saved me from a few bottomless pits)

Modern in Greenflower alone... I would bet anything, if you did a test and gave a new player S&T and then Modern (and others Modern and then S&T), regardless of which one they start with, they're going to prefer to go forward with Modern for their first campaign.

Btw, this is coming from someone who has never liked the Modern abilities, thought Generations was bad, and basically Sonic Mania was the only proper game in the series since 1994. I am more surprised than anyone to be campaigning for Modern's moves, because I have never ever ever ever liked them before this.

I played the 3D games, usually much later after they'd be heavily discounted, and thought the series basically became a QTE rollercoaster... 3D seemed like a fun possibility from Sonic World in Sonic Jam, but was content to assume the dream was dead outside of level demos like Sonic Utopia.

Then I found SRB2 2.2.0 and my head hasn't really stopped spinning.

it doesn't change the fact that he should be an unlockable for the exact reason I stated before. The developer's intentions for this game are that it's specifically not a Modern Sonic game. You see, first impressions mean a lot when it comes to things like this, and by having Modern Sonic unlocked from the start, or otherwise too early on will give new players the impression that this is a Modern Sonic fangame and as such treat it with the expectation of it being a Modern Sonic fangame. When they transition from playing as Modern Sonic to any other character, they will feel as though something is missing and the character will likely feel rather unsatisfactory. Most new players would heavily main Modern Sonic and as such judge the game as a Modern Sonic game.

The level design was made with Classic Sonic and friends in mind, and as such players should learn to appreciate the game with these characters first before they experience them with Modern Sonic.

I don't think that would be the case because the love SRB2 has for recreating the spirit of the 2D games in proper 3D is... palpable. It's clear as day in the art style, level direction, everything.

Modern moveset doesn't change that, and IMO in no way does it make seem anything like a Sonic Adventure fangame. The game plays nothing like SA or Unleashed or Generations or whatever.

But in a twist of fate, the Modern moveset specifically in SRB2 gives Sonic a range of jump moves that feels comparable to Mario in SM64.

As such, the intention behind making him the final unlockable isn't strictly about restricting him to veteran players. It's about making it so you have to have done everything in order to make the game play like a game that isn't a Classic Sonic game. It also falls into the same kind of "Overpowered reward" type category that Super Sonic falls into.

We both agree we want the player to explore as much of the gameplay as possible! I'm suggesting that you get more flies with honey, and you will lead players better with a carrot than a stick.

I didn't play Modern Sonic until after clearing 7 emeralds with S&T and Knuckles, and then getting the other characters up to around AC1 or RV1... as I mentioned in my "Newbie" thread, my interest in the game was fading (since Mac OS lacks access to online play). Then, after finding Modern and level packs, my interest was reignited. It was immediately more fun to replay the levels, and then more fun as well to go back to the vanilla ones. I wish it had been available from the start. I would've beaten as Modern, then Knux, then Classic, then Tails, Amy, Fang, Metal.

SRB2 is difficult for new players, right? There's no question there's a learning curve. It could be made easier, and thus, lessen the learning curve substantially and allow for a more natural progression of ability from a player besides a lot of death.

And of course it's all optional! It's about accessibility, imo.

If he were to be available from the start, the only way to really balance the unlockables would be to disable him from earning any emblems or saving record attack ghost data entirely, aside from perhaps NiGHTS mode. This would mostly force players to play the game as intended to earn unlockables, but doesn't solve the issue of players gravitating towards the Modern playstyle and then expecting everything to be developed under the mentality of a Modern Sonic game, and perhaps being disappointed when they find out it's not.

I don't think that would be the case. That's just about presentation, and nothing about SRB2 suggests anything but "this is classic Sonic in 3D" regardless of Modern's inclusion or not (or Shadow even or anything like that). I really don't think there would be confusion to that degree.

Modern's abilities could just as easily be mapped to the vanilla sprites (in fact i believe the mod started as just being "Modern Abilities" no?), as well.

I understand the devs don't want to overload a player with too many options, or have too many things be toggle-able. At the same time I believe the devs want the game to be as accessible as possible.

I see SRB2 as the bridge between all worlds of Sonic. It is better than the 2D games by virtue of the extra dimension and the new freedom. It is better than the 3D games, not as polished or expensive or cinematic, but the freedom and consistency of the physics and the way momentum is used in platforming challenges... it's the best Sonic game ever produced. And it's not even finished! ahhh.

What makes SRB2 special is... well its everything its the whole package, but most of all it's the level design; the Doom DNA, and the creative ways it's been adapted to Sonic. There's no official 3D Sonic level that comes close to doing what even just Greenflower does in the first few minutes.

The levels were built with the hardest character in mind, and maybe that's the exact right way it should've been. And now there's a mod that, imo, fixes every frustration I had and makes Sonic "easy" in a way that makes the game soothing instead of irritating.

When I get bored of kicking the game's ass as Modern, then I reverse fortune and test myself as Vanilla. It's awesome. I want everyone to be having this much fun with this game.

---------- Post added at 04:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 AM ----------

Again, it's not really about being a veteran or a beginner, hard mode or easy mode, etc. This is already accounted for in game via Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Tails is easy mode, Knuckles is well rounded, and Sonic is hard.

Yes, but there are some ways in which this set-up is not as ideal as possible. Mostly it's that while having Tails allows for certain platforming segments to be skipped, it also can lead the player to losing track of where they need to go. Skipping via flying also feels a bit deflating to the player, and is a bit of a waste of a lovely room that would otherwise be fun to bop around with homing attack.

Modern allows the player to enjoy the title character without needing to be an expert at the game.

The point of locking him behind being the final unlockable is about the game not being a Modern Sonic game. It's a Classic Sonic game, and was specifically built around not being a Modern Sonic game. This is why the homing attack on the attraction shield keeps forward momentum and can't be chained to attack multiple enemies unless you specifically aim your momentum to do so, for example.

The game was entirely designed around being a Classic game, and playing it like one is the intended playstyle the developers are going for. To then go and throw Modern Sonic in as a character unlocked from the start or really early on flies in the face of the entire point they were going for.

This is why Modern Sonic should be locked behind collecting all the emblems. It isn't about how difficult he is (or isn't) to play, it's about restricting him to only being playable by those who have experienced the game the way the developers intended to begin with, so that he can be a neat completion bonus.

In my previous post, I made the case for accessibility as the reason I don't think being an unlockable makes sense as a reward.

I want to address two different things here that I think are interesting points of disagreement, and I'll see if I can't be persuasive.

(1) I personally dislike the distinction between "Classic" and "Modern" Sonic as two separate individuals.

The only reason it's come about is because Official Sonic Team has so badly lost the thread of what made Sonic's gameplay appealing in the first place and replaced it with basically the Sonic Dash mobile game and some scripted roller coaster QTEs.

In my opinion, SRB2 revolutionizes this whole view. It proves that classic Sonic can work in 3D... and the modern Sonic mod proves that "modern Sonic" can work in 3D games that aren't "sonic dash mobile games scripted roller coaster QTEs"

Mario can alternate between being 8-bit and full 3D, but there's no idea that they're two different characters. It's just one is 2D, and the other is 3D, so of course the latter will have more options for movement. And so it ought to be with Sonic.

In my extremely personal opinion, I would hybridize the Modern abilities with Classic (take modern's moves on vanilla's sprites, replace boost with spin dash, jump+dash is thokk, keep stomp but remove slide; stomp is like a hard emergency brake), but I don't expect others to necessarily agree with that... hence why I think it should just be given as an option as to what feels more natural to the individual.

(2) I can see exactly what you're saying. Sonic with multiple abilities was never the devs intent. This is part of why I'm going on about it, though, because maybe it takes a sort of different perspective, a fresher set of eyes, on it. I'm not an expert (though I am quickly getting pretty good at the game), but I'm a new player and a new fan, and I want to encourage every Sonic or video game fan to give it a try.

And like -- objectively! -- like we both agree that the Modern mod's movement feels fantastic. So why withhold that from a new player who would benefit from it more than anyone?

The devs created a set of physics and levels that work for a variety of characters that offer a range of challenges. That's the ultimate intent, I would think -- to make a great classic 3D Sonic game... and if you ask me, that's exactly what STJR has done, and that isn't diminished by including Modern's moves! It only goes to show just how much better SRB2 is than Generations / Adventure at showing how to justify multiple playstyles in a Sonic gmae.
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I agree with you on a lot of points, disagree on others, and remain rather firm on how Modern Sonic simply just shouldn't be available from the start.

Let's use a hypothetical to demonstrate my point. Let's say Modern Sonic is implemented into the base game and is unlocked from the start. The consequences for this would be incredibly numerous.

First of all, the level design would need to be tweaked to compliment Modern's gameplay style, as it was currently made with Classic Sonic in mind. This would probably make the game even more of a blast to play as Modern Sonic, as the levels would be more accommodated to his moveset. However, this would also actively make the game worse for everyone else. You could fix this problem by setting Modern Sonic off onto his own pathway exclusive to him, but this would also likely lead to his path being much more linear than the paths the other characters take, leading to player expectation that the rest of the game will be this linear when they switch to another character.

Second of all, new players could easily become spoiled after playing as Modern Sonic. There would seem to be no point to play as Classic Sonic, as Modern Sonic can do everything he can and more. Even Amy would feel mostly pointless. Playing as anyone other than Modern Sonic after this point would just feel slow and lacking. Even Tails and Knuckles would feel unnecessary to play as after the player gets a handle on controlling the wall jump.

Third of all, it would mean the attraction shield would need a new ability. The homing attack it provides would feel obsolete to most characters compared to just using Modern's built in homing attack, which can chain enemies with ease and even target things the shield cannot.

And that's all just what I can think of off the top of my head.

Modern is a blast to play, and I want him to be made official as much as the next guy, but I don't really feel like implementing him as a beginner character is the right mentality to go for. I genuinely feel like it would serve the game best if he was a reward. Something to strive for. This would solve most of the problems that having him from the start would introduce. Basically nothing would need to be changed to account for him because they wouldn't need to build the game with him being playable in mind. He would just be a bonus extra to have fun with when you have already done everything, rather than something that everything needs to be designed around.
No no no I don't think the levels need to be changed. It's only additive that I'm proposing. Adding an additional accessibility option for new players. As it is now, it is understood that vanilla Sonic solo is hardest. Tails mitigates that, but at a cost, because you're room skipping, and likely to get lost.

Sonic having recovery options (homing/double jump/wallkick) makes levels significantly easier than having one jump, and the Thokk.

Imagine this play style to be optional as Sonic

jump x2 --> homing attack or double jump
jump + dash --> thokk
dash --> dash or roll

--When you have a shield, jump + dash is the shield power instead of thokk.
--When you have 7 emeralds and 50 rings, jump + dash is how you activate.
--And I'd include the walljump, too.

Ultimately my reasoning is that Sonic should have the option to be more accessible, because he is the most fun to play, either way.

I don't really care for Boost, and I like light-speed dash and downward stomp okay but not enough to advocate for incorporating C1 and C2.

By just giving Sonic double jump and homing, you are giving the player more ability to adjust in mid-air, which helps mitigate the difficulty by A LOT.

It makes sense for the layout too, because Thokk is really "spin dash in midair."

It's true the game was not made with this in mind. But it works beautifully. And it should be incorporated to be offered as an option for new players.

And it doesn't impact anybody who enjoys Vanilla Sonic as it is. Once a player has played with the training wheels of homing attack, then they will enjoy playing with only the Thokk. But you START with easy, and then work your way up to HARD... and then once you can do it, it's very satisfying and rewarding. You don't want to start with hard and make your way down to easy.

Based just on my personal play, having the Modern training wheels has made my jumping as vanilla Sonic better simply because I have had more success experimenting with the physics in the game. So I don't think it really spoils any enjoyment, only encourages more play-throughs as harder characters like Amy.

Also, on the other hand, it's not a terrible thing if Sonic is the most fun character! Or even if he's the easiest! Makes it more fun for the additional characters to be the hard mode.
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